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Unlock the Power of Morning Sun: Why Prioritizing Your Vitamin D Intake Matters


Within the last few years, I’ve really prioritized getting my sun exposure in the mornings when I first wake up. I first learnt about this from Dr. Andrew Huberman in one of his podcasts. Essentially, when you first wake up, you want to go outside for at least 5-10 minutes if it is sunny or 30 minutes if overcast and let your body be exposed to the UV rays without sunglasses and with as much skin exposure as you can. This intentional sun exposure is also to be repeated in the afternoon as well if possible because afternoon sunlights still emit wavelengths that help your body recognize that nighttime is nearing. 

Vitamin D is a steroidal hormone that can be generated by the skin from UV light exposure or through supplementation. Vitamin D is important for hormone health, for mental health, to support strong and healthy bones, maintain healthy skin, etc. 

Not only is there research to back it up, which I talk about below, but there are also actionable changes that I’ve noticed in my own health when implementing this in my daily routine.

Changes I’ve noticed by getting my morning sun exposure:

  • Improved energy in the mornings and into the day

  • An immediate sense of gratitude and joy for seeing the sun

  • An easier time getting out of bed on time in the morning

  • A more consistent sleep routine

  • Improved skin health

What the research shows: 

  • There is a positive correlation between sunlight exposure and mental health (PMID: 37337544) 

  • Sufficient Vitamin D is necessary for the protection of the musculoskeletal system and prevention of MSK disorders (PMID: 38350754)

  • Exposure to sunlight is not only important for the production of Vitamin D but also with modulation of the immune system and nitric oxide release (PMID: 38350754)

If you are waking up and staying in bed for a long time before getting up, odds are that you continue to feel tired and groggy long into the morning. Try getting out of bed within 5 minutes of waking and head outside and get some fresh air and UV exposure. Not only will you feel more energized, but you'll have more time to yourself before your day starts.

Or if you have to get to work before the sun rises (which most people might), try and make sure you are heading outside on your lunch break if possible, or finding a well lit window while you eat. Seeing the sun through a window will not provide you much UV exposure, but being able to see the outdoors and see the sun will be sure to put a smile on your face at the least.

It’s funny because when I wake up, the first thing I do is go to my window and open the blinds to check if there’s sunlight. It’s become a ritual of mine, and I do that wherever I am! I hope you start to implement some type of similar routine, or become more motivated to take your lunch breaks outside.

How do you incorporate the sun into your daily routine?

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